Friday, April 8, 2011

Erecting a wooden statue

When first opening a blogger profile a random automated question is posed. The goal, I suppose, is for people to get to know you better ( it may be the real you, or the ideal image of you, whatever).
This was my random question: 

-Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

I immediately decided that if (when) 'my people' decided I needed a statue I wanted it to be made out of wood. 'tis a noble material, is it not? 
(I ruled out iron, I hate iron:it's ugly and it smells funny).

My wooden statue wood rise above all and it would commemorate Me. Just plain Me. After this bit of ego-tripping I descended back to earth to face the fact that my statue (wooden or otherwise) wouldn't be erected within the foreseeable future. I decided therefore to attach something blog-ish to my blogger account and consider it me carving out my own wooden statue.

I'd like my wooden statue to look something like this: 

minus the weird bird, of course, and with some clothes on (my mother would freak).And maybe my hands would be reaching towards the sky. Yeah, that would be nice.

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